How to talk about your family

Think in English

Talking about your family

Who you think you are? 

how to talk about your family

When you talk about your family, you will describe your family tree. Who are your grandparents, who are your ancester or who are your relatives, such as brothers or sisters, or cousins, aunts and uncles… Let’s talk about your family. Remember to think in English only when you answer these questions.

  1. Do you know a lot about your family history?
  2. Which do you know best: your mother’s or your father’s side of the family?
  3. Where did your ancestors come from?
  4. Did you ever meet your great-grandparents?
  5. Do you know most of your relatives?
  6. Are you related to anyone famous?
  7. Have you inherited any family characteristics?
  8. Who in your family do you take after?
  9. Would you like to know more about your roots?
  10. Do you live with your extended family?

Possible Answers

  1. Do you know a lot about your family history?
    Quite a lot. My parents told me a lot of stories about my background.
  2. Which do you know best: your mother’s or your father’s side of the family?
    My father’s. I grew up next door to his sister’s family.
  3. Where did your ancestors come from?
    They came from Moscow, in Russia.
  4. Did you ever meet your great-grandparents?
    No. Unfortunately, they died before I was born.
  5. Do you know most of your relatives?
    I know about half of them. The others live in France and I’ve never met them.
  6. Are you related to anyone famous?
    No, there are no celebrities in the family!
  7. Have you inherited any family characteristics?
    Yes. I’m very shy, like my father and my older brothers.
  8. Who in your family do you take after?
    My mother. We look alike and we have similar characters.
  9. Would you like to know more about your roots?
    I’d love to, but it’s difficult because my parents don’t often talk about the past.
  10. Do you live with your extended family?
    Yes, I live with my immediate family and my grandparents.

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Published by elahikari

импулсивна, чистосърдечна, дръзновена ЖИВОТЪТ Е ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЕ

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